10 mistakes to avoid when storing food

When it comes to properly storing food, most of us are getting things really wrong! Whether you’re overstocking your fridge or are using opaque containers, chances are you’re often making some big mistakes without even realising it!

Have a read of the top 10 mistakes we’re making and get fixing your storage habits!

How much is the food you’re throwing away worth?

Did you know that throwing away just under 20 fruit and vegetables over the course of a month could cost a household of four a whopping £100? Not only this, but it would waste nearly as much CO2 as a 30-mile car journey!

Food tech company It’s Fresh! have created a food waste calculator to help you work out the true cost of the fruit and veg you’re throwing out. Work out your impact on the environment and how much money you could save here

Leftover Potato cakes

Got leftover potatoes from last night’s dinner and need some recipe inspo? Try out this quick and easy recipe from Bexley Council for potato cakes. Jazz them up any way you like with leftover veg and other odds and ends from your fridge.

Discover what else Bexley have been up to for their local Small Change, Big Difference campaign.